dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016

new year resolution 2t

my list of resolutions for this year are:

- See the nba final's

- See Wrestlemania with my friends

- Go to Italia and take photos in colosseum of Roma

- Go to Extremadura with my parents this summer

- Get a girl-friend (in summer)

- Go to a one concert (this summer)

- Play football with my (summer-friend)

- That my brother took his car card

Do 40km in one morning (in summer)

- Work in summer

- Learn to do a backflip (jumping into the river)
- Meet more peapole

- Go to Ávila

- Go to see a Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabeu

- Go to see a Girona fc in the muntilivi stadium

dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016

Elections USA 1t

¿When will reasonable people in this world? Siriusly the peapole vote this male chauvinist for exenlence, please world, ¿are you ready for a mudial war? because when you vote this facking man, you was aware of what would happen. Becuse this man is the creiziest after Hitler (l believe...).                                                                                              ¿Someone knows that word has between in the mouth this bastard? (in the photo), anyone knows where he learned of politicy? In a reality show... Fack you Tramp!